The secret’s out: cocoa powder!


Have you added cocoa powder to your beauty regime yet?

I’ve been using cocoa powder as a blush and bronzer and it's great! No more store-bought for me.

It looks natural, there’s no annoying shimmery bits and it makes me smell a bit like a bakery – win!

I just use the powder as it comes, and brush it on with my retractable kabuki brush. I’ve found it lasts pretty much as long as the pressed stuff on my cheeks. 

Cocoa powder: sweet, cheap and package-free!

And the beauty is you can buy it package-free from any bulk food store. You can also try cacao powder for a less chocolate-y experience.

I store mine in an old bronzer compact, or little glass jar so it’s travel-friendly too.

I’d love to hear if it works for you! Have you tried any DIY beauty tricks that really work?

-  Ash